5 Ways to Start Homesteading NOW

5 Ways to Start Homesteading Now

Start Homesteading Now? Yes you can! Today I'm sharing some great ways to start living your Homestead dreams ASAP!

The hustle and bustle of Costco swarmed around me. But I didn't notice any of it. I was tucked away in the book section, perusing the stacks, when I saw them. Two books to feed my obsession. I quickly picked them up, calculated if my little weekly allowance (I was 12 years old you see) would cover to costs of both. With a happy sigh, the math turned out in my favor. I arrived home with two new Homesteading books in tow.

Ever the little impatient stinker that I am, I couldn't wait for the day I would have my homestead. While I knew it wasn't in the cards for me right then, I was determined to do all I could to march my little self towards that goal! I would learn as much as I could, plan as much as I could, learn to sew from my grandmother, learn to bake sourdough from my mother. I was going to do this Homesteading thing, and I was going to do it now!

It took me quite a few years before my Homesteading dreams became a full-fledged reality. I know that any hopeful homesteaders out there can relate with the get up and go, the impatience, and the desire to start and start NOW. That's why I'm sharing ideas from myself and other Homesteaders to help you start Homesteading NOW.

Tip #1 Learn as Much as You Can
THINGS YOU CAN DO BEFORE YOU START YOUR HOMESTEAD | Start Homesteading Where You Are! | Wilson Homestead

I love this video! The Wilson Homestead team covers it all. One of her, and my, biggest tips is to educate yourself and learn as much as you can now! The smaller you can make the learning curve once you have the land, the animals, and the responsibility, the better!! I spent years preparing, and there are still so many things I've had to learn on the fly that have been hard lessons! There's skills I wish I had learned before I had animals to keep alive, and crops to plant. She also covers what animals you can having in small properties, townhomes, or apartments, and more!

Tip #2: Plan Ahead
10 Ways to Start Homesteading Now | Simple Living With The Segovias

Hey y'all, in this video I want to share with you 10 ways you can start homesteading now. All 10 of these things can lead you to start homesteading. If your already homesteading these 10 things can help you be even better. Homesteading is such an enjoyable way to live. We hope these tips help you get started with your homesteading journey. Thanks so much for watching and God Bless

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Tip #3 Prepare for the Difficulties and Hard Times!
My Warning to All Of You About To Start Homesteading | Homesteady

Being a Homesteader can be SO HARD, y'all! In fact, MOST of the time it is hard! That of course doesn't mean that it isn't fulfilling! However, before you jump into such a big commitment it's nice to hear what difficulties to be aware of before you are in the thick of it!

Many watching this channel are looking forward to moving onto their new homestead! But before you run out and get chickens… watch this video first!

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Tip #4: Start Preserving
Preserving Food Every Day | Three Rivers Homestead

Preserving is a massive, MASSIVE part of Homesteading! It will be a crucial part of your success as a Homesteader, and a crucial part of ensuring you enjoy quality food and produce year around! It can have quite the learning curve to it between dehydrators, canning supplies, freeze dryers, and more! These are all things you could start investing in before you have a property and learning how to use!

Week 4 of the #everybitcountschallenge. This week we preserved: Apple Butter Barbeque Sauce Chive Blossom Vinegar Frozen Chives Dehydrated Mashed Potatoes Shredded Carrots Sliced Peaches Vanilla-Maple-Peach Jam Peach Pit Jelly Peach Vinegar and more!

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5 chickens are bunched around a feeding tin eating grain on a hobby farm. Text on the image says "How to start Homesteading Now. Click here."

Tip #5 Find Others Who are Doing What You Want to Do!
How to Start Homesteading, Even if You're Young! | The Crockers

A great way to start Homesteading now is to find people who are doing what you want to do! Whether that be others online, or in your community! If you find someone in your community, perhaps there are things you can do to help out! Every homesteader needs someone who would be willing to feed the animals and do farm chores over a weekend! Perhaps you could lend a helping hand and learn along the way!

Are you a Homesteader or an aspiring Homesteader with a Salty Sense of Humor? Me too! ;P Check out my Salty Farm Life punny apparel below!

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