Can You Be a Homemaker Even if You're Single? | Homemaker Cleaning Motivation

What does it mean to be a homemaker when it's just you? I mean, how is it even possible?

The word homemaker brings to mind images of sweet, snuggly babies and your arms are tied to you on slings and a husband to kiss goodbye in the morning and welcome home in the evening. And a woman in an apron, making something delicious to eat and keeping the house running, spreading a little bit of love everywhere she goes for the ones that she loves. But what does it mean to be a homemaker when it's just you? I mean, how is it even possible?

You see, I used to struggle with the very same question. Where was the joy and being a homemaker when there was no one to make a home for? And then I realized something really important. You know the popular dating advice to visualize the kind of person that you want to attract and then become the person that they would want? Well, I agree, and I don't. Instead, I think that we should visualize how we want to show up for that person. And we need to start showing up as that person now in our lives.

Are we not just as worthy of a clean home, of a delicious smelling meal that nurtures and fills our body with the nutrients that it needs?

The thing about homemaking is, it's all about love. And loving ourselves, being a homemaker for ourselves, is just as important. Are we not just as worthy of a clean home, of a delicious smelling meal that nurtures and fills our body with the nutrients that it needs? Aren't we worthy of the cute candles burning that makes everything just smell so gorgeous? Of course we are. And the thing is that being a homemaker is a lifestyle, and trying to learn that lifestyle trying to become that person, when you have an audience of sweet babies and all the pressure-loving pressure of course-of a spouse can often be too much of a load to bear.

Becoming a homemaker for ourselves is so life changing, because it tells ourselves that we're worthy of love too and it changes what we're doing from an obligation or fulfilling an expectation for someone else, or even not just an act of service for someone else (while wonderful and beautiful and absolutely something important), but an act of stewardship over our lives and the blessings that God has given us.

I have come to the decision that it is no one else's responsibility but our own to create romantic and joyful moments for ourselves

As I walk around my home and pitter and flutter and do all the little homemakery things that I adore, it helps me to feel so extremely blessed. And to remind myself of the things that matter to me, of who I want to be. Instead of waiting on other people to come into my life for me to become that person, I'm becoming that person now. Or, at least trying to anyways. Honestly, there's days where I don't do any of it. And it's just all I can do to get out of the sweatpants and get into something a little more presentable. It's a day by day process, and I'm learning to enjoy the journey and enjoy the reality of being who I strive and want to be now.

In my journey as a single woman who at times still believes in fairy tales, I have come to the decision that it is no one else's responsibility, but our own to create romantic and joyful moments for ourselves. When we pass those beautiful flowers in the grocery store or see those amazing smelling bath salts in the aisle. Instead of thinking, Oh, I wish I had someone to give those to me or I wish I had someone to share those with, we need to remember that we do have someone to give those to. We do have someone to share those with. We can share a beautiful vase of flowers with ourselves. We can take a lovely soak in the tub with ourselves. And it may sound silly to some but the thing is, these are the patterns and the habits and the life that we're creating, in the now for our future, regardless of what that future may actually turn out to be, because it's feeding our soul, it's being that person. It's being a wife, even if you're not a wife, it's being a mother, even if you're not a mother. There's so many to love so many to nurture and it starts with ourselves.

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